Friday, September 25, 2009

An interview with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails

Interesting interview about NIN on Twitter and iPhone. Here's the link.

My favorite quote from it:

We took to heart lessons on how people steal music, watched how people steal music and interacted with people who steal and learned why people steal music. People aren't stealing music to make money. They steal because they love music. They want it as soon as it's out and that's a good thing. It isn't like people are boot-legging the music and making lots of money off your record, they just want it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why I liked the 090909 Apple event today + links

New iPhone OS updates and iTunes 9. And they're both free!

There was no tablet. There were no powered up iPod touches. Basically upgraded iPod lineup with a video iPod Nano. Doesn't seem to have anything that I really got to have for Christmas. And isn't that a good thing. I get to save money, or by something else =)

Here are some nice links:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Snow Leopard is here!

I got Snow Leopard via the up-to-date program. It finally got here yesterday. Except I'll be too busy this week to install it. Pondering whether I should do a clean install... that would take an entire day.