Ever wondered what Wii controller prototypes looked like?

A blog about iPhone - iPhone apps, contents for your iPhone, iPhone news, and tips. Occasionally spiced with some Mac stuff.
Apple is a great company, but can Apple be a great company without Steve Jobs? Will we still get great products if Steve Jobs is no longer with Apple?
I saw this productivity tip on TV by Koyama-san, a productivity guru and author of a Japanese book called Idea Hacks. His tip helps us find files faster. Here it is:
I've never been a fan of photography. I found small digital cameras and cellphone cameras adequate. That was the case until a few years ago when I got to try shooting with a digital SLR (single-lens reflex) at an electronics store. That was the first time I experienced the camera shuttering and that was one of those moments that you remember. There is something about the sound of the shutters, the force feedback, and how the camera's instant reaction when you press the button to shoot something.
There aren't a lot of business books about Nintendo despite their success recently. One of the few books I recall about Nintendo was from Game Over.
Now that I can read Kindle books on my iPhone, I tend to leave my Kindle (first generation) at home these days. Since the portability of the Kindle itself no longer is a factor, the Kindle DX with it big screen looks very attractive.
I came across the Polaroid PoGo the other day while shopping. It's basically a mini mobile printer that you can attach your cameras or cellphones to, and it'll print 2X3 inch photos using special "ZINK" photo paper. The coolest thing though is that it prints without ink.