Thursday, May 14, 2009

Where's the iCamera?

I've never been a fan of photography.  I found small digital cameras and cellphone cameras adequate.  That was the case until a few years ago when I got to try shooting with a digital SLR (single-lens reflex) at an electronics store.  That was the first time I experienced the camera shuttering and that was one of those moments that you remember.  There is something about the sound of the shutters, the force feedback, and how the camera's instant reaction when you press the button to shoot something.  

After that I did some research, and eventually I settled on the E-410, which was light, small and portable.  In order to take the pictures I want, there is a lot of things to learn about.  For example, lens, shutter speed, and aperture.  

Like most hobbies, photography is deep.  There's a lot to learn, and most cameras todays have buttons and dials, along with digital menus that is required.  Sometimes, I think, wouldn't it be great if there was a camera that was the equivalent of an iPhone.  A camera that is intuitive and easy to use for everyday people.  Maybe SLR cameras that just have one button, and exchangeable lens that have names regular people could understand (instead of something like  70-300mm F4.0-5.6, how about Zoom, or Blur, or Close...)

Anyways, so where is this iCamera - the camera for the rest of us?

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