Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mac Tip: Easily record iChat conversations with GarageBand

I recently just found a really nifty feature with iChat and GarageBand. GarageBand and iChat are integrated for recording conversations and meetings. This can also be very nifty for recording podcasts as well. I tried it with iLife '09.

In a nutshell, here's how you do it:

  1. Have GarageBand and iChat open
  2. Start the audio conversation with the participants
  3. Go to GarageBand, make a new project using podcast template (not sure if other templates work)
  4. In GarageBand, press the record button, and GarageBand will detect an iChat conference and as you if you want to record it. Neat!

For more details, check out this article from Digital Producer, where I learned about this trick.

It's too bad they don't just have a record function in iChat that immediately launched GarageBand and have everything set up. Now, that would be awesome!

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