Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hands on with Nintendo Spot for DS (pictures and video included)

I finally got a chance to test out the Nintendo Spot trial service at a participating McDonald's. (Previous entry about Nintendo Spot is here.)

Getting Started
To use the service, first you go to DS Download Play in your DS. You can then download the Nintendo Spot Viewer. The download was rather quick, it took less than one minute.

What's inside
Once you load the viewer, you are given two button links.

1. Downloads for trial versions of selected DS game. The games available for download that day were:
2. McDonald’s News
Here you can find information about McDonald's such as promotional menu items. Here's a list of contents:
  • Happy Meal toys

  • Pokemon’s upcoming movie
  • Nutrition information about hamburgers

  • Info about a show called Zenryoku! Tunes that McDonald’s is sponsoring
  • Current promotions and features items such as ice coffee and milk tea Oreo McFlurry

Over all the loading was pretty fast. Each item probably took 1 to 3 seconds to load.

The browser / viewer - built for both right handed people and lefties
What really surprised me was the browser to view the contents. The cool thing is that you can switch the vertical scroll bar from the default right side to the left side. To switch, you simply press a button on the top of the scroll bar (see video below). I'm a lefty, and this is a very great feature (one of those “how come I never thought of that” feature). I hope other companies would adopt this feature. Previous PDAs I tried all had their vertical scroll bar fixed on the right. Using this viewer made me realize the amount of usability a left scroll bar offers to lefties. A neat little feature, but brilliant. Impressive, when you consider this is coming from Nintendo, a game maker.

Look closely, the scroll bar is on the left!

You can also see it in action in the video below.

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