Thursday, July 17, 2008

Record an entire week of TV programming with SPIDER zero

This beautiful white box is like the time machine of TVs. Specifically for Japan, it records all the TV programs from one week ago. There’s a catch though; in Japan cable and satellite TV is not all that popular, and the majority of people watch only 8 basic local channels. (Yes, maybe that’s why in Japanese, the term “channel surfing” doesn’t exist.)  So TV in Japan means 8 channels.  

Nevertheless, the concept is bold and revolutionary. It lets you envision a future where you can backup all the TV programming up to, let’s say, five years.

On its website it claims that the SPIDER zero will:
  • record one week worth of TV contents
  • up to 8 channels
  • simultaneously
  • automatically
  • deletes old contents while it’s recording
In addition, SPIDER pulls schedules and information of TV programs from special servers through wi-fi. The information enables you to search through the programs you recorded.

Powerful searching
You can search by keywords, titles, and names of people starring in the shows, but that’s old stuff. You can also search by time with a cover flow-esque interface. (see below)

Features for the commercial lovers
If commercials are your thing, then you’ll love this. First, the Spider zero catalogs the commercials, and informs you which commercials are new. You can also find out what songs and who stars in the commercials as well. In addition, you can register the names of your favorite companies and products, and you can pull up commercials for those.

Saving and writing to DVDs
The SPIDER has set aside storage for you to save TV programs you want to keep. In addition, you can transfer the programs to DVDs.

It ain’t cheap!
The 1.3 terabyte version costs 300,000 yen (about 3,150 dollars) and the 2.5 terabyte version costs about 399,000 yen (about 3,990 dollars). On top of that, there is an annual service fee of 12,000 yen (about120 dollars). The service fee is for the downloading of data for TV programs’ schedules and info.

It does make you think, what if you could record all the TV contents there ever was and search through it like how you google something…

SPIDER zero website (Japanese)

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