Sunday, June 28, 2009

Backing up and wiping my iPhone 3G clean

After the 3.0 update, seems like my iPhone 3G is a bit sluggish and crashing a lot more. Plus, for some reason, emails on getting sent out though receiving is fine. So, I have decided to manually back everything up and do a clean wipe of this iPhone. I'll be blogging my experience. So let's get rolling:

Going down my apps list to see what I need to backup:
  1. Contacts - it's synced with MobileMe, so nothing here to do.
  2. Photos - Let's make sure I get everything off the camera roll.
  3. Stanza, Kindle, YouTube, Skype are all good.
  4. Safari is good since bookmarks are synced via MobileMe.
  5. Maps is good.
  6. Messages - hmm... this is a tricky one. Ok, luckily, I have PhoneView from the MacHeist bundle I purchased a while ago. For those who want to learn more about PhoneView, here's the link. Great, also backed up my Notes. Doesn't seem like I can back up my MMS messages though. Well, at least I got the SMS messages.
  7. Calendar is good since it's synced by MobileMe.
  8. Things - Let's get the todos all synced up.
  9. Voice Memos - nothing there, so I'm good.
  10. Mail is good since all the accounts are IMAP.
Alright, seems like I'm good. Now, the fun part begins.
  1. Sync my iPhone once and make sure it backs up if I did indeed forget something.
  2. Ok, under Summary tab, going to click on the Restore button.
  3. Waiting time... going to go to 7-11 to get me a Coke.
  4. and we're done! And my iPhone is like new again!
In the next post, I'll be blogging on the steps of setting up my iPhone to be a business purpose phone. None of those YouTube videos and stuff. It's business time!

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