Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reason #1 for buying the 3GS: Video!

Alright, if you have used other cellphones to record video and you're not that into video, this may not be a reason.  

But, if you're a Mac and an iPhone user (or have another phone that doesn't do video), the iPhone 3GS might just be a game changer for you.  Be prepared because video recording is just about to be commoditized.  

It used to be that video recording is more for special occasions.  You have to bring a special video camcorder or recorder to record video.  Go home, and dub that all to your computer so you can edit the stuff.  With the 3GS, a lot of the hassle is now all gone.  To be exact:

  1. Don't have to carry another item to shoot video.  And don't even have to carry any film or memory cards.  (although the trade off is the length of time you can shoot)

  2. No more dubbing or transferring the contents you took.  Everything will be synced back to iTunes.

  3. Streamlined workflow for editing.  And if you like iMovie, you can see all the videos you took through the media library.  Just drag and drop into your project.   So putting together a movie of the clips you took would be super simple!

So there it is, one reason to get the 3GS, if you are a Mac user and have a phone that doesn't do video that is.

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