Yesterday watching a TV show here in the land of the rising sun, there was a segment on finding out the origin of that iPod clicker sound when you spin the wheel. (Personally, I dislike that sound and always turn it off.)
Even the Apple experts of Japan don't really know. So the TV show went to a researcher that specialized in sound, and he says that the iPod clicker sound is very close to the sounds that are made from those old radio / tv knobs. Seems possible to me. What do you think?
how do you turn off the clicker sound on an ipod nano?? soooo annoying!
thanks for the comment! and apologies for the late response. Hope you found a way to turn that thing off. I think it's under the settings, and you should find an item called clicker.
No seriously, HOW do you turn it off on an ipod nano? The click wheel clicking sound? There is no "clicker" option under settings.
This video might help -
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